Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Of Many

As a newbie to the blogging world, I still have a lot to learn.  Sure, there's the technical stuff like SEO--a mind boggling puzzle with many confusing and mechanical pieces, but also other stuff, like just how vast the Internet ocean is for instance. 
One thing I have learned is that I am not original.  I'm certainly not the first father to blog about his unborn child, or the second or third or even the thousandth.  There are hundreds of thousands of daddy blogs out there, from the streamlined sites that look professionally designed to the basic simpleton like me, plucking on a keyboard in his spare time. 

What I found to be interesting however, is that each one is unique, as no two dads are alike.  With so many different styles ranging from the educational to the, ahem, silly, there seems to be something out there for everyone, and then a few left over.

Single dads, gay dads, married dads, and scared dads….dads in all sorts of arrangements, with blogs that are funny, original, and well written.  They also have one major thing in common--the fear of making mistakes.  Some of these blogs were well established and went back three or four, or even five or six years.  A few caught my eye and I went back to the first posts, reading the progression from terrified, expecting dads to what looked like proud, confident fathers with beautiful pictures of smiling boys and girls.  And this gave me hope.

Instead of feeling small and irrelevant, I feel comforted by the fact that I'm not alone, that what I'm feeling is normal for many fathers.  It seems that there are many of us out there worrying and I actually think that's a good thing, because it means that we care.

I'm very much excited about becoming a father, in fact I haven't been this excited about something since the day my dad gave me a can of Jolt Cola when I was 9 years old, (which I'm sure he immediately regretted). So please, bear with me through my blunders and grammatical errors as I'm still learning how to be a better writer and a better husband, and in three short months, a better father.



  1. Even though other dads are doing this, they are rare...and I think you're awesome for already investing so much of your time and thought into this little critter on his/her way!

  2. WOW! That's coming along soon! You'll be great! I don't have kiddos, but I can tell that the fact that you're doing this blog in the first place shows how much you already care. That's the sweetest thing ever. Rock on! :)

    1. Yeah I know, the time has flown by (can't say the same for my wife), thanks Cyndi!

  3. I think the fact that you care this much already says a ton about the kind of dad you will be. It's all good! :) I must say though, as a mom, the fear of screwing up never totally goes away. I wish it would. I still worry about the parenting choices I make daily.

    1. Thanks amy, at least I have a wonderful support system here!

  4. Pete, you sound just like my husband did when I was pregnant with our first and he truly is a wonderful father (very hands on and dotes on our girls). So I have no doubt in my mind that you too will be a great dad. That said what you are sharing here is completely normal. Trust me, when I was pregnant with my first I was petrified of all the mistakes I was going to make and 3 years later can tell you I have made tons and make more and more every day, but somehow you get by and everything works out the way it should. Great job and looking forward to being here as you walk this journey :)

    1. Thanks Janine, my dad said that he learned on the fly and had no idea what he was doing yet my childhood was filled with great happy memories. Thanks for your support!

  5. All I can say is, if you end up with a baby boy, come to me for any and all advice -- I always say I'm the boy expert! (I have 3). That being said, wonderful post and you're on your way to a fabulous adventure (both with your blog as well as being a parent).

    1. It is a boy Emily, we do know that, and I'm sure I will take you up on your offer! Thank you!

  6. Pete, even as a small boy, you were a very caring person. To see that exhibited so strongly as you are approaching this important milestone in your life makes me proud. I have every confidence that you will be a wonderful father and the son you raise will count his blessings.
    With tons of love,
    Your Wicked Stepmother

  7. What a honest post. I really enjoyed it, and your perspective is awesome.

  8. Thanks Julie, I appreciate it!

  9. Great post. I follow another daddy blog just because I love his writing style. If you get a chance, look for Single Dad Laughing. Of course, he also hit it big time in the blogging world and I believe he got sponsored. I started following him before the transition. The thing is... everybody has a voice... you just have to shout louder than all the other ones. Keep up the good work! :)

  10. I found that one stacy, it is really good! I spent maybe and hour reading through it!

