Tuesday, October 16, 2012


When I was younger, my dad could always be counted on to embarrass my sister.  As she entered her teenage years, it was as if her hand was glued to her forehead as she walked behind the rest of the family with her head down during public outings.  School events, sleepovers, or a trip to the mall would often end with my sister rolling her eyes and covering her face.  Between my dad and me, my sister’s social life often times took a hit.

As a little brother and a constant pest, I found my father’s antics (and my sister's mental discomfort) to be hilarious. Later I learned from my aunts how he had tormented them as a child as well.  Not that they were totally innocent, it seems my family has a long history of pranks and practical jokes throughout the years.

But today my dad is a reserved man who carries himself with dignity and respect.  Often shy and introverted, it takes some poking and prodding to get him to come out of his shell.  See for yourselves, a quick look at the man who raised me:

Here's a picture of Grandpa on a recent shopping trip out on the town.  Looks like he's found a hat and a necklace of some sort.  This is why my sister would stay in the car when we were kids.

And here's another, shortly before security escorted him and Grandma out of the store.  Let's hope that's not a gift for Simon!

He will be a great role model and influence in his grandson’s life, just as he is in mine, teaching him invaluable lessons about fire safety or the art of finding a great deal at the flea market.  But perhaps most importantly, he will teach him all about having fun.  Under adult supervision of course...


  1. Pete, this was truly too funny and your dad reminds me of my own grandfather, who was a constant practical joker too. Growing up I truly couldn't get enough of it though, because he was so much fun to be around and you never knew what he'd do next!! Thanks for bringing back some good memories on this read and truly think your dad will be a wonderful grandfather too :) :)

    1. Thanks Janine, that is my dad,the life of the party! I can't wait for the day he can play with his grandson!

  2. Ha..this was hilarious. I love the last line :)

  3. You sure got me laughing. Sometimes he thinks I'll provide the adult supervision but I often don't measure up to expectations on the maturity scale.

    1. The two of you together are worse than just one of you...bad influences!

