Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

This morning I woke up early, ready to enjoy  Father’s Day.  Because hey, I’m a father.  It still seems kinda strange....and I still worry how I’m doing.  I’ve gotten much better about the worrying but sometimes, late at night, I still study the ceiling from my bed.  

But this is only the beginning. The beginning of something great.  Smiles are good and I’m getting lots of smiles.  Laughs are even better and I’ve received my share of those as well.  But how can I be a terrific dad?  Maybe I should start by giving my son what my own father gave/gives me.  It's free, it's fun, and it's lot better than genetic abnormalities... I'm talking about Love.

My dad is the greatest and I want to be great so I have little room for error.  Oh, there will be mistakes; even at this stage I am well aware of that.  But mistakes aren't necessarily a bad thing.  (I still laugh at the thought of what my dad did to that grilled cheese.) I’m learning and enjoying the ride.  I guess the biggest change so far has been how much I care about him, I can’t quite describe it.   

And now, thanks to my wife and son, I have this one of a kind reminder of what's really important in life, coffee. I meant family.  So here’s to all of the father’s out there, I hope you have a great day, every day.  


  1. Oh Happy Father's Day to you Pete. Hope you have a great day!! :)

    1. Hope you guys had a great one as well Janine!

  2. What a nice post. Happy belated Father's Day!

  3. Aw what a great mug! You clearly have a very thoughtful, creative, and intelligent wife! :-)

