Thursday, January 31, 2013

No Sleep Til Nukland?

I just want to put it out there that you may notice a bit of a decline in the quality of my writing.  So please brace yourself, my normally impeccable prose may suffer due to some serious lack of sleep.  The first few days were a sea of bliss, well for me, not sure my wife would say the same thing.  Mr. Simon was sleeping 4-6 hours throughout the night, stirring every now and then with cute little grunts.  But then came last night…
The sheer force of my tiny son's wail is beyond impressive.  I will have to buy the neighbors something nice as his late night screaming was a deafening blend of anger and agony.  Oh, want to change my diaper?  Hear my roar!  I found myself apologizing to him in the middle of the night, standing over him with a wet wipe in hand, scared to death that I was seriously hurting him.
Today, I’m disoriented and sleep deprived.  Earlier I went to the bathroom only to find my boxers shorts were on backwards.  I’m having trouble staying on task in my loopy state.  I sometimes walk on the moon while wearing yellow socks.  What was I saying?  Oh yeah, I need sleep.
Things have changed on the marriage front as well.  With my wife breast feeding, the term boob shirt has taken on an entirely new meaning.  The other day I walked in and…you know what?  I’m going to leave my wife out of this one.  She is doing a wonderful job in her role as mom, and although last night was taxing for the both of us, one day we’ll look back and laugh.  I'll save it for later...
I've already had several people tell me to enjoy every moment, even the late night sleepless ones, so I’ll take their advice.  And while my productivity may plummet at work, and my blog has already been said to have gone to poop, all it takes is one look at my little guy to get me through the day...I already know I'm not getting through the night.


  1. To this day (and it's been 15 years since we had our first son), my husband says/claims that he cherished those middle of the night moments/minutes/hours with our son. Personally, I think he was too tired to know what he was feeling during those nighttime hours, but if that's how he remembers it, I'm all for it. Oh and his favorite expression during the breastfeeding days, which he said whenever our son cried was, "Give him the boob!" :)

    1. I'll have to adopt your husband's phrase OhBoy, I like it. Maybe I will look back at this nostalgically, who knows?

  2. Oh God. You brought me back! I don't miss it! It gets better- promise!

  3. You brought me back as well and remember all the sleepless nights with my first who had colic. I still don't know how I survived, but will say this somehow I did and bet you will, too. I won't say enjoy this time, because it does sound like you are doing that, as well!!

    1. Not sure how you did it Janine, I'm hoping tonight brings a little more sleep! I am enjoying my son though, especially during the evening and mornings!

  4. Kudos to you for helping out! A lot of my friend's husbands sleep through the wails and baby phase until they're old enough to, "do something", as they put it hahaha. Hope you get some sleep!

  5. They say sleep is overrated but you know, "they" say a lot of things that can't be proven.

    1. I hear ya Caroline, we've had one really bad night, the rest have been as well as expected!

